Join us live for the Season Three of @TRSChester’s A level Religious Studies Webinars. In short, sharp online sessions, lecturers from the University of Chester share their expertise and engage topics and issues on the A Level Religious Studies specifications. A level students and teachers are especially welcome, but also GCSE and Key Stage Three, and indeed anyone! Live attendees can ask questions anonymously in the chat. Every Tuesday 4.00-4.35pm (Please note there is no session on 24th May as staff will be attending graduation to celebrate their students) 20-minute live lecture plus anonymous Q&A in the chat (audience neither seen nor heard). To book your place on any of these talks, please visit our Online Booking Page. For any queries about these events, please contact You can find out more about the TRS Department on their dedicated webpages here. Follow the Department on Instagram @trsuoc and Twitter @TRSChester
For more information about our webinars, please email
Ben is Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology and specialises in modern and historical Christian Theology.
Wendy is Associate Professor of Religious Studies. She specialises in Buddhism, Religious Education, RS methodology, and spirituality and health. She is an A level examiner and textbook writer.
Paul is Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity. He specialises in martyrdom and violence in the ancient and modern world.
Caroline is Senior Lecturer in Anthropology of Islam focusing on Islam in contemporary Turkey
Alana is Professor of Jewish Philosophy, Religion and Imagination. She specialises in modern Jewish thought.
Ben is Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology and specialises in modern and historical Christian thought.
Valentin is lecturer in theology and ethics and specialises in the intersection between literature, philosophy and religion.
Hannah is Professor in Feminist Theology. She specialises in Christian Thought, especially around sin and salvation and how it intersects with the lives of women.
Dawn is Associate Professor of Religion and Gender and teaches Religious Studies, Sociology of Religion, and Religion and Gender. She is a qualitative researcher, focusing on gender and contemporary Christianity.
Steve is Senior Lecturer in Religion and Popular Culture. He specialises in contemporary apocalyptic ideologies